Sunday, October 12, 2008

Uniquely Singapore!

Does Singapore have an unique and distinctive culture?

Many elements of Singapore society fit the bill of what sociologist Jeffrey C. Alexander refers culture as – an organized set of meaningfully understood symbolic patterns. In olden times, ancient cultures would worship a certain deity, following strict customary law and practices. Today, we're still a collectivist culture, but how things have changed. Most Singaporeans now collectively worship a new deity namely, money. The importance of money is ingrained into our minds from birth, our parents knowingly assuring us the practicality of living in this day and age. The Singaporean way – study hard, memorize your lessons well, get a good grade, get a good job, earn a lot of money; and surely this will bring you happiness. In Singapore, the pursuit of being number one is the most noble of goals one can have in his life. To put it bluntly, most mothers from other countries will normally be overjoyed if their child managed a ninety-eight for a test, but in Singapore, the child is prepared for caning if he knows that his ninety-eight was only second to another child’s ninety-nine.

On the other side of the coin, people are arguing that the world is affected by influence from various sources, and each country is beginning to lose its distinctiveness. Globalisation has caused racial, cultural and lingual barriers to be broken down, and one may argue that we are facing the eradication of distinct cultures around the world. Economic emphasis in most countries has caused negligence in cultural growth. Heritage is lost in our constant struggle of twenty-first century advancements. Media influence seems to be the bible for our young these days. The world seems to be moving towards one giant, global culture that seemingly has the word “consumerism” written all over it. However, despite how many cultures ebb and flow into each other like paint on a canvas, there will always be room for smaller scale cultures to flourish regardless of how that mini-culture is set in the bigger picture.

I believe that a unique Singaporean culture is alive and well today. Our totems are our cell phones; our altars are our office cubicles and “4d shops”. Our national heroes are the financially successful, and the path to nirvana is a fat one hundred on a test paper. Yes, this is the Singaporean culture. Like it or not, this is what we have created. The slogan on our national tourism campaign proudly proclaims: “Uniquely Singapore”. However, it is definitely not for the reasons others think we are.


Zed Ngoh said...

this country is unique because it is a salad bowl of cultures, where every individual rubs off some thing good, and bad, on to the other people. on a lighthearted note, i'd like to share an email circulating around.

"Subject: Dear Prime Minister, tolong please .......
Dear Prime Minister,
We citizens of singapore urge you to PLEASE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
We DO NOT NEED your help. Every time, you mention HELP, we have to run for cover!!!
Help the poor? Raise GST!
Help traffic flow? Up ERP!
Help passenger service? Up Bus fare/MRT fare!
Help us get taxi? Raise taxi fare!
Help us get good government? Raise Minister and Civil servant salary!
Help school bus safety? Up school bus fees!
Everytime YOU WANT TO HELP, we all PAY FOR IT!!!
need your help liao.
We DARE NOT ask for help any more!!!
Sir, most honoured sir, I urge you NOT TO HELP Singapore INVEST also!
Everytime your wife invest, we all lose money! Kao liao, kum siah!
Just let us have a dose of bad governance, like recently the Mas
Selamat case, like far, it is ok, your incompetence, we
PLEASE DO NOT help us have better security! Wait we all kena PAY FOR IT!!
I think it is ok lah, please just take your salary and enjoy life ok?
Thank you thank you,
I am very chin chai one, any how any how, no need to help oso can one."

Shawn Lee Wei Bin said...


Oh my. Sad but true?

darren said...

Toilet break ftw.

lucas said...

singapore is just a tiny country, with no natural resources. what she does have, are humans, and what better way to make the country progress than to harvest what the humans can produce. having this mentality, singaporeans strive to be the best in everything, tuition from the age of five, supplementary lessons till nine, study till they die. all in the name of pursuing money, aka happiness. our culture, our lives.

uniquely singapore, indeed.

k r i s t y . w said...

Yea, what Lucas says pretty much sums it up. All our life, we are driven because we have no other choice. It's a forced state of being stemming from our heritage, not to mention that Singapore is a relatively fast paced and definitely stressful society. At least we can say that our aim is perfection - but this is sad at the same time because we can never fully achieve it.

Emil said...

If you were to look at the individual cultures of the different races, there is not much uniqueness in Singaporean culture. However, it is how our different cultures combine and influence one another to create a "new" culture.

Our environment is plays a big factor in defining our culture. I believe it is this lack of natural resources and high population density that promote our kiasu mentality. Hence we have the such things like supplementary classes and tuition for 5 year olds like what Lucas pointed out.

In fact, I would go as far as to say that the kiasu mentality is actually a major part of our culture, no matter what negative connotations it may hold.