Monday, October 27, 2008

The effects of media on hips don't lie!

One of the most obvious signs of how the media has influenced our world today is the effect it has on the perception of beauty, or more specifically the size of the body considered beautiful. During the Renaissance in Europe, being fat was all the rage. Women should have wide hips and a large behind. Pale skin was also in fashion, the whiter the better.

Lets take a look at why previous beauty ideals have been in fashion. Who was fat during the Renaissance? The lords and ladies. Regular people just couldn't afford enough food to get fat. Who had white skin? The lords and ladies, who spent most of their time indoors or under an umbrella. Thus both fat and pale skin were signs of wealth. Large hips on women were a sign that they could bear many children. Children were necessary to secure your lifestyle at old age.

In modern western society those beauty ideals seems to have been flipped. Women should be thin as sticks and men should be the same, but with a six-pack. In modern society both men and women work and there's welfare at old age, so children are less desired. Hence large hips aren't as fashionable either. Most of the work is done indoors and isn't very physical. People don't get six-packs unless they actively pursue it. There's food in abundance so for most people it's actually easier to get fat than to put in the time and effort to be thin.

However, to dive deeper and observe society nowadays, are geeks the new in-thing? Are factory workers, the police, or the social worker attractive with their natural six-pack? Hardly. No, the high steady income goes to the highly educated nerd clattering away at his computer as the media teaches and potrays. He's the one who will go on to become president of his company, a politician or even the next Bill Gates. Being good with technology is more important than being physically strong nowadays. Is this media influence and powerful effects theory at its finest?


k r i s t y . w said...

Hm.. Are geeks the 'in' thing? I think they are respected for their massive brains and the great money they can bring in, but aren't necessarily viewed as cool or desirable. Rather, the stylised 'cool' geek is in, whereby the 'geek' style of fashion is accompanied by a certain awkward charm (e.g. Seth in the O.C.). True geek personalities are just too inacessible to the public.

Also... geeks may not necessarily rise to become the next politicians or presidents unless they are charismatic and people-friendly as well. It takes a mix of skill, luck, and brains to rise to the top. Looks are also still very much important in our superficial society today. If you have both, you're set for life! :D

Emil said...

I think that the media does play a big role in influencing our perception of beauty and fashion. We see all those movie stars on TV and we can't help but attribute their success and popularity to their good looks.

I hardly know of any non-good looking personalities who are successful in the entertainment industry. Those that are rely on their character and other aspects.

Of course we strive to be like Bill Gates or Donald Trump and earn big bucks. But would you want to look like them? We all know that they did not become successful by using looks so why become like them?

Amos said...

Hi shawn!!! nice post on the perception of beauty. Its true on the changing evolution on what beauty is all about? The media shapes our perceptions and sometimes i hate to admit it but its true! No matter how we try to resist the media, it is very difficult as the majority conform to it. I would guess the powerful effects theory is at its finest now as it attacks the sensitive inner core of our self esteem. But being so influenced by other peoples thwarted perceptions seems rather sad right? I guess we should all just eat, enjoy and grow fat together! lol! cheers