Sunday, September 21, 2008

You fail your driving test... because you're female.

Comparing and contrasting ability differences between genders have always been a touchy topic. More so when dealing with the stereotyped assumption that men are better drivers than female ones. It is for this reason that I have to be extremely unbiased with my stand. If I am not careful, I would be branded an animal. Not just any animal, specifically a two-legged mutant pig with chauvinistic notions, arch-enemy of females all around the world.

This is why I believe, men are such amazing drivers when put next to female ones. Why the diplomacy with that statement you ask. Why do I not just proclaim men’s obvious superiority? Well I believe in honesty and objectivity. As shocking as it may sound guys, you do not totally rule as the superior gender over females. Women are definitely somewhat better in some ways too, like you know, giving birth.

We give you that girls, we’re man enough to admit that there are indeed some ways you might be slightly more talented when compared to us males. Then why do you females always make such a ruckus when we state the obvious fact that we’re better drivers? For one, you females are terrible decision makers, and thus, terrible “lane-changers”. Men are generally very used to making prompt yet important decisions. In our compulsory two lovely years of “national slavery”, most of us are enlisted into the army. One of the training programs that we go through is to learn to throw a grenade. Now, phonemes, synthatics, semantics and pragmatics given to us are very clear and simple. We pull the pin, we throw the grenade. What we don’t do, is ponder over unnecessary questions. We do not observe the wind change. We also do not project a best possible angle for optimized results. Hesitation is normally and most usually fatal, and we have been well-trained to avoid it. Now, of course I am not proposing that it should be compulsory for women to have grenade lessons. That is just ridiculous, with mortality rates already on the rise; we just cannot take the risk.

Another reason why men are better drivers is the fact that we’re just better internally-wired to drive than you females. Don't blame it on the internal-external locus of attribution, and it is not a fundamental attribution error either. It is men’s natural tendency to have a passion for speed, and to push limits to the extreme. For example, hand a male a sports car. In a single week, he would have attempted to control a drift, pushed the engine to its top speed, and experienced handling the car on adverse road conditions. Chuck the same car to a female, and she will be wondering which soft toys would be best interior decoration. Now, consider a time of need arises, and perhaps they both have a dying relative in the backseat of their car. The male will definitely be able to send the relative safely to the hospital in record time, while the female will probably be better off hailing a cab. This is of course, mind you, after washing the blood stains off her soft toys and seat first. Faster isn’t necessary better you argue? In fact, you knowingly insist “slow is the way to go” as it is much safer, and less prone to accidents. Your statement however, is not valid. It is just like a seventy-five year old man driving around at thirty to forty kilometres per hour. He proudly boasts that he has been driving for more than fifty years and never had an accident. Well technically yes, but how many has he caused?

The final reason why men are superior in driving is because we play video games, racing video games to be exact. You females have always been laughing at our mindless obsession over moving pixels, but guess who has the last laugh. Indeed, it is true that the hours that a boy can spend playing these senseless games are astronomical. However, what this also means is that these hours translate to viable driving experience. Even before a boy is old enough to obtain his driving license, he has probably already netted more driving hours than the average adult female! An increase in reaction and response times is just one of the few positive side effects nurtured through gaming. More importantly, boys also end up with a better knowledge of car peripherals. One truth I learnt through these games might be shocking to most female readers, so do caution yourself before reading the next part. The rear-view mirror is really a clever invention to observe the vehicles behind you, and not a strategically placed mirror that is convenient for applying your makeup. Acknowledging and understanding this piece of information will definitely take awhile females, but persevere on, you have my support.

I hope to have shown as objectively as possible the difference in gender traits, which leads to men’s obvious superiority in driving skills. We men have acknowledged your talents, and the least you females can do is to accept ours. If you still insist otherwise, as a last resort I suppose we could call you creature names like “pig” too. However, that will be incredibly mean. That would be too harsh an insult to our four-legged friends now wouldn’t it?


Zed Ngoh said...

woah... have you not heard the phrase that 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'? are you sure you want to cook, clean and look after test tube born children for the rest of your life?

if this was indeed a post to show your understanding of phonemes, synthatics, semantics, pragmatics, internal-external locus of attribution and fundamental attribution error, then well done.

if not, then i wouldn't want to be around you when school starts on monday!

lucas said...

wow oh wow shawn, i share the same sentiments as zed.

but know what, i got to agree with you, well, at least partially. this particular subject has been brought up countless of times, in fact, been argued over for decades. what are the conclusions then? men, in general, are definitely better at mechanics and thus car driving, especially manual cars. however, i do have male friends that remain adamant on auto car lessons because they have no coordination skills as claimed. on the other hand too, some of my female friends are pretty impressive drivers too, although scratching their toe varnishes with the pedals is somehow of a concern to them.

what we have to keep in mind, is that there are always exceptions to everything. with that, i wish you good luck in the coming week, you will need it. (:

darren said...

Well.. girls definitely pass their driving test easier than guys. (*!#&%)(!*%!)(& unreasonable driving instructor pervs... discrimination!!! You always see these driving instructors talking nicely to the girls, but for the guys they'll be brooding in the car or yelling. Wish I could turn into a hot babe with nice cleavage for my driving lessons

Anonymous said...

hi there. Kudos on the effort on objectivity, but I'd like to kindly point out some sophistries that I, as a toe-nail painting, soft toy-crazed, barbie-toying, horribly-hesitant, maniacal make-up applying creature, feel a duty to correct.

1. Giving birth is not a talent. It's a fact. Some may say it's a curse.

P.S. I don't see any men complaining about not being able to give birth.

2. Girls give credence where credit's worth. Thus, we believe in gender EQUALITY. not superiority. (well, most girls anyway :)).

3. Throwing a few random grenades may make you faster decision makers but it doesn't make you BETTER decision makers. After all, grenades kill. The better choice may be not to throw at all.

4. While girls may err on the side of caution and drive slower than the average male, I'm sure that the number of males getting into accidents in order to, say, impress girls by their need for SPEED pretty much equalizes the score. The perils of internally-wired passion can be much more fatal than careful hesitation.

5. We females realise that a mirror doesn't just serve a single function. So while we're not using it to check while driving, we use it creatively like, say, how mirrors are to be used. And guess what? maybe if guys tried using the mirror for other purposes they could discover the wonders of checking one's appearance before stepping out of the car too.

6. Girls pass driving tests easier anyway. Driving skill notwithstanding. So there.

That's all I have to say. No hard feelings alright, dude. I'm not that emotional =]

A damn good female driver.

darren said...


Emil said...

Well, you know what they say about guys and girls. The reason guys in general make faster decisions is because they tend to look at the big picture.

For many girls, they tend to focus into more of the intricate details. I think in the case of driving this works against them.

However, with enough driving experience, hopefully they can overcome this slight disadvantage.

I believe that how a person drives depends on the individual and not gender. Just because some girls drive like **** does not mean that all girls are the same.

Fern Ru said...

I have heard from learner drivers that driving instructors are biased as in they pass drivers according to their sex, and not their true driving skill. As I have not have such an experience yet, i do not know whether this is really true...
Many also spread rumours about how driving instructors are more patient with females than me, there is a presence of fundamental attribution error as I believe that there are always exceptions

k r i s t y . w said...

Ah yes.. Well, I've already kicked you in school, so you pretty much know what I think. B) Kidding though. Generally I do think that the adage about how female drivers can't drive is partially true, just because when I look at the drivers of really awfully-driven cars, there's normally a female sitting inside the driver's seat. As I am not able to drive, I can't fathom how difficult it really is.

I choose not to succumb to generalizations, and would prefer to judge the person individually, like what Emil said. And on an ending note, my Mom happens to be a damn good driver. So one day I too hope not to fall under this unfairly judged catagory.

Jerome Yeo said...

haha shawn shawn. looking for trouble here. as much as i agree with what has been said on your blog. i shall not attempted to comment anything further. it very difficult to help you on this one!

i guess that man are generally better with machines and technical things. yes ladies! i know the world is changing. but you ever seen a female F1 driver?
